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OneFx is a full-stack framework for building web apps. Here are the features you’ll find in Onefx.js:

  • Server-side rendering and universal rendering with React and Redux
  • Apollo GraphQL (docs + playground), ES2017, TypeScript, TSX support out of the box
  • Server-side development via Koa.js

Create a project

git clone my-awesome-project

Run your project

This is intended for *nix users. If you use Windows, go to Run on Windows. Let’s first prepare the environment.

cd my-awesome-project

npm install

# prepare environment variable
cp ./.env.tmpl ./.env

Development mode

To run your project in development mode, run:

npm run watch

The development site will be available at http://localhost:5000.

Production Mode

It’s sometimes useful to run a project in production mode, for example, to check bundle size or to debug a production-only issue. To run your project in production mode locally, run:

npm run build-production
NODE_ENV=production npm run start

NPM scripts

  • npm run test: test the whole project and generate a test coverage
  • npm run ava ./path/to/test-file.js: run a specific test file
  • npm run build: build source code from src to dist
  • npm run lint: run the linter
  • npm run flow: run the flow type check
  • npm run kill: kill the node server occupying the port 4100.

Code Styles

We use prettier, tslint, and editorconfig to enforce consistent styles across the whole project, so that we will not bikeshed on coding styles in the code review.

However, please visit our Contributing Code before submitting your code.


Onefx Architecture

├── ava.config.js // ava test util configuration
├── babel.config.js // babel compiler/transpiler configuration
├── babel-register.js. // babel register options
├── config // project configuration
│   ├── default.js // base config to be extended in all env
│   ├── development.js // config in NODE_ENV=development
│   ├── production.js // config in NODE_ENV=production
│   └── test.js // config in NODE_ENV=test
├── coverage // test coverage
├── dist // destination for src build result
├── gulpfile.babel.js // gulp task runner config
├── package.json
├── renovate.json // renovate bot to automate dependency bumps
├── server.ts // project entry
├── src // source code
│   ├── api-gateway // APIs server defined in GraphQL for the clients to call
│   │   ├── api-gateway.graphql
│   │   ├── api-gateway.ts
│   │   └── resolvers
│   │   └── meta-resolver.ts
│   ├── client // browser-side source code
│   │   ├── javascripts
│   │   │   └── main.tsx
│   │   ├── static
│   │   │   ├── favicon.png
│   │   │   ├── manifest.json
│   │   │   └── robots.txt
│   │   └── stylesheets
│   │   └── main.scss
│   ├── model // data models
│   │   ├── index.ts
│   │   └── model.ts
│   ├── server // onefx server
│   │   ├── index.ts
│   │   ├── middleware // koa middleware
│   │   │   ├── index.ts
│   │   │   ├── manifest-middleware.ts
│   │   │   └── set-middleware.ts
│   │   ├── server-routes.tsx // server-side routes
│   │   └── start-server.tsx // server initialization
│   └── shared // js code shared by both the server and the client
│   ├── app-container.ts
│   ├── app.ts
│   ├── common
│   ├── home
│   │   └── home.ts
│   └── register-service-worker.js
├── translations // translations supported in this website
│   ├── en.yaml
│   └── zh-cn.yaml
├── Procfile // heroku Procfile
└── webpack.js // webpack bundler config


State management

We use redux to manage state in onefx.js. To pass the state from the server to the initial page during the server-side rendering, in the server use ctx.setState(path, val) to set the state:

server.get("SPA", "/*", function onRoute(ctx) {
ctx.setState("base.sampleState", "this is a sample initial state");
ctx.body = ctx.isoReactRender({
VDom: <AppContainer />,
reducer: noopReducer,
clientScript: "/main.js",

And use the state in the react component:

const SampleStateContainer = connect((state) => ({
text: state.base.sampleState,
}))(function SampleState({ text }) {
return <div>{text}</div>;


We support both global styles with sass in ./src/client/stylesheets/main.scss and modular styles with styletron-react:

import react from "react";
import { styled } from "onefx/lib/styletron-react";

const Panel = styled("div", {
backgroundColor: "silver",

export default <Panel>Hello</Panel>;


server-side routing is using koa-router and located in ./src/server/server-routes.js. The basic usage is:

.get("/", (ctx, next) => {
ctx.body = "Hello World!";
.post("/users", (ctx, next) => {
// ...
.put("/users/:id", (ctx, next) => {
// ...
.del("/users/:id", (ctx, next) => {
// ...
.all("/users/:id", (ctx, next) => {
// ...

client-side routing is using react-router v4 and located in ./src/shared/app.js.

<Route exact path="/" component={Home} />
<Route component={NotFound} />

Fetching data

We use Apollo Graphql and TypeGraphQL for universal rendering with React. For detailed documentation, please visit:

  1. See "+1" example in the boilerplate
  2. Define GraphQL schemas in TypeScript
  3. Learn how to fetch data with the Apollo Query component

Make a query

In src/api-gateway/resolvers/, define a new resolver and method. Take the meta data endpoint of the server health for example.

import { Query, Resolver, ResolverInterface } from "type-graphql";

@Resolver(_ => String)
export class MetaResolver implements ResolverInterface<() => String> {
@Query(_ => String, { description: "is the server healthy?" })
public async health(): Promise<string> {
return "OK";

and then in api-gateway.ts, mount the resolver.

const resolvers = [MetaResolver];

Now the server is ready and you can call the health endpoint at https://localhost:5000/api-gateway/.

The next step is to call it from the React component.

Organizing components with data

Directory structure

├── components
│   └── health-text.tsx
├── data
│   ├── __generated__
│   │   └── health.ts
│   └── queries.ts // or / and mutations.ts
├── health-controller.tsx
├── hooks
│   └── use-health.ts
└── index.ts

components is for view components only, for example health-text.tsx

import { colors } from "@/shared/common/styles/style-color";
import CheckCircleTwoTone from "@ant-design/icons/CheckCircleTwoTone";
import CloseCircleTwoTone from "@ant-design/icons/CloseCircleTwoTone";
import LoadingOutlined from "@ant-design/icons/LoadingOutlined";
import React from "react";

type Props = {
loading: boolean;
health?: string;
error: boolean;

export const HealthText: React.FC<Props> = ({
}: Props) => {
if (loading) {
return (
<LoadingOutlined /> Checking Status
if (error) {
return (
<CloseCircleTwoTone twoToneColor={colors.error} /> Not OK

return (
<CheckCircleTwoTone twoToneColor={colors.success} /> {health}

data is for GraphQL queries and mutations. For example, health-controller.tsx. Whenever it changes, please run npm run schema:generate to generate type definitions again.

import gql from "graphql-tag";

export const getHealth = gql`
query GetHealth {

hooks are lifecyle functions for components

import { GetHealth } from "@/shared/home/data/__generated__/getHealth";
import { getHealth } from "@/shared/home/data/quries";
import { useQuery } from "react-apollo";

export const useGetHealth = () => {
const { loading, data, error, refetch } = useQuery<GetHealth>(getHealth, {
ssr: false,
return { loading, data, error, refetch };

And finally *-controller.tsx connects data with view components via hooks.

import { useGetHealth } from "@/shared/home/hooks/use-health";
import React from "react";
import { HealthText } from "./components/health-text";

export const HealthController: React.FC = () => {
const { loading, data, error } = useGetHealth();
return <HealthText loading={loading} error={!!error} health={data?.health} />;


Onefx reads translations from ./translations directory. Please create a file there named with a corresponding locale, for example, en.yaml. And then add an entry

homepage.hello: hello, ${userName}!

React / Client-side

and then in the react view file (client-side)

import { t } from "onefx/lib/iso-i18n";

function Greetings() {
return <div>{t("homepage.hello", { userName: "John" })}</div>;

When users visit this site with accept-language: en in the header, which is set by the browser, then they will see translated greetings. If you want to explicitly set the locale, then visit the page with a query string ?locale=en then it will memorize this in the cookie.


t singleton function does not work in the server-side because the async calls may switch the context and mix it with requests from other languages. In this case, please use ctx.t instead.


test files are supposed to be placed in any module like ./__test__/example.test.js in ava test utils.

import test from "ava";

test("testname", async (t) => {
// ...


Onefx enables secure web app development with

  1. CSRF protection that can be exempted at ./config/default.js (config.server.noCsrfRoutes)
  2. Helmet headers that can be exempted at config.server.noSecurityHeadersRoutes
  3. Content Security Policy configured at config.csp

for example, in default.js,

  server: {
noSecurityHeadersRoutes: {
'/embed/checkout/': true,
noCsrfRoutes: {
'/api-gateway/': true,
csp: {
'default-src': [

Static assets

Static assets are placed in ./client/static/ and loaded into the root directory of the website. Take ./client/static/favicon.png for example, you can get it at http://localhost:4100/favicon.png, or use it in the react component:

import { assetURL } from "onefx/lib/asset-url";

function ImgExample() {
return <img src={assetURL("favicon.png")} />;


Environment variables

The environment variable is read from commandline as well as .env file. Take PORT for example,

PORT=4004 npm run watch

or in .env file


In the js file, you can read the value by process.env.PORT.

Static configuration

The static configuration is located in ./config and can be read according to the environment variable NODE_ENV.


If you want to setup CDN for the static resources, I recommend BunnyCDN for its ease-of-use and cost-effectiveness. Then configure OneFx as

module.exports = {
// ...
server: {
// ...
cdnBase: "",
// ...

And then when loading static assets, you just follow the same practice with the static assets.

import { assetURL } from "onefx/lib/asset-url";

function ImgExample() {
return <img src={assetURL("favicon.png")} />;


Tech Stack

Design Resources

Run on Windows

  1. install Windows Subsystem for Linux. Choose Ubuntu, for example.
  2. On WSL Ubuntu, install node version manager and install the latest lts dubnium
curl -o- | bash
export NVM_DIR="$HOME/.nvm"
[ -s "$NVM_DIR/" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/" # This loads nvm
[ -s "$NVM_DIR/bash_completion" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/bash_completion" # This loads nvm bash_completion

nvm ls
nvm install lts/Dubnium
nvm use lts/dubnium
  1. clone repo to C:/
cd /mnt/c/
git clone
  1. install VS Code and open WSL terminal with ctrl + ` . Not sure about WSL terminal? Go to this post.